中学生の皆様へ 卒業生の皆様へ 在校生の皆様・


【BDC交換留学 ウィークリーレポート⑨】橋詰和奏さん

2023.06.29 国際教育
学校:Bishop Druitt College(オーストラリア)
I went to my friend’s house last Sunday. My friend’s family lives on a farm. They breed some animals like cows, chickens and goats so I was surprised how big their land is. Recently, four baby goats were born so I got to hold them. They were tiny and cute. I tried to make them food and fed them. I thought that farmwork is busy and hard work. They showed me around their land by car. We tried out a handmade zip line with my friend’s younger sister. After that, we baked a cake and tried many Australian dishes. I really enjoyed her house. I envy their home because they enjoy living with nature and animals. I like Australia’s nature. I want to do my best for the rest of my time here studying abroad.