中学生の皆様へ 卒業生の皆様へ 在校生の皆様・


【CCGS長期留学 ウィークリーレポート②】湯谷環菜さん

2024.02.19 国際教育
学校 Central Coast Grammar School(オーストラリア)
期間 2月4日〜4月22日
オーストラリアに来て1週間が経ち、オーストラリアでの生活も慣れてきました。金曜日に友達の家に行ってカラオケや映画鑑賞をしました。私は友達とNewJeansのSuper Shyを歌いました。Super Shyは友達が日頃から口ずさんでいて、とても盛り上がりました。
It’s been a week since I came to Australia, and I’m getting used to living in Australia.
I went to my friend’s house on Friday and watched a movie and sang karaoke. I sang NewJeans ‘Super Shy’ with my friend. It was so exciting! I watched the movie with English audio and Japanese subtitles, so I learned a lot of English word. We’ve became closer. I went to watch my host family’s touch football game. I didn’t know the sport of touch football and game rules but I could understand it because my host family and my friends taught me it. It felt similar to rugby. I cooked dinner with my host family. I cooked chili con carne and sushi. It was fun because I don’t usually cook. I can now understand what my friends and host family are saying. I still don’t understand specialized words such as sociology and science very well, so I want to study so that I can understand them.