中学生の皆様へ 卒業生の皆様へ 在校生の皆様・


【CCGS長期留学 ウィークリーレポート①】湯谷環菜さん

2024.02.19 国際教育
学校 Central Coast Grammar School(オーストラリア)

期間 2月4日〜4月22日
After a long flight, I arrived in Australia. I went to CCGS from the airport and I met my host family.
At that time, I was so nervous but my host family spoke kindly to me so I could relax.
After that, I went to the beach with my host family.
I was happy to see the big ocean because Nagano prefecture has no ocean.
Then, I made a pizza with my host family. I could make a delicious pizza by topping variety of cheese, pepperoni and so on. Also, I was surprised that they have a barbeque that cooks pizza.
On the second day, I went to school. I took classes of sociology, geography, mathematics and science.
It is difficult for me to understand all English that students and teachers speaks but I am trying to understand by searching online.
After school, I went to the beach to walking Sydney (a dog) with my host family. I saw many pelicans there. I’m glad I got to see it because I can’t see it very often in Japan.
I also watch TV show and Netflix with them tonight. I had a good day.
I think I’m able to understand English more clearly than at the beginning. I want to cherish each day and do my best!