中学生の皆様へ 卒業生の皆様へ 在校生の皆様・


【BDC交換留学 ウィークリーレポート⑤】山田ゆあんさん

2023.12.19 国際教育
学校:Bishop Druitt College(オ―ストラリア)
土曜日はショッピングをしました。それぞれ別行動でわたしも1人でショッピングしました。1人で行動することは最初は不安だったけど、自分の欲しいものが買えたのでよかったです。 そしてその日の夜はクリスマスマーケットに行きました。シドニー・セント・メアリー大聖堂にプロジェクションマッピングをしていてとても綺麗でした。
 It was Monday when my host family took me to the zoo. The zoo had not only the usual animals but also many unique animals that can only be found in Australia, which was amazing. I even got to experience feeding wallaroos and koalas, which was a great opportunity.
 Then, on Friday, I went to Sydney.  Sydney is filled with trendy shopping malls and buildings, so just walking around was a lot of fun.
 On Saturday, I went shopping. We split up and I went to shopping by myself. At first, I was bit nervous about being alone, but I was able to buy everything I wanted, so it turned out well. In the evening, we went to a Christmas market. They had projection mapping on the Sydney St. Mary’s Cathedral, which was absolutely beautiful.
 On Sunday night, I watched a musical called Wicked. It was first time watching a musical, and it was really entertaining.
I’ll be spending Monday and Tuesday in Sydney as well, and I ‘m looking forward to it.
It has been a month since I came to Australia. The first week felt really long, but looking back, the month went by so quickly.
With only one month left, I want to communicate and enjoy my time here as much as possible.