中学生の皆様へ 卒業生の皆様へ 在校生の皆様・


【BDC交換留学 ウィークリーレポート④】山田ゆあんさん

2023.12.19 国際教育
学校:Bishop Druitt College(オ―ストラリア)
 This week, I went to school until Thursday and then started my summer vacation.
Wednesday was my birthday. My buddy at school gave me a cake and presents. We ate the cake with for people during recess. It was really exciting to have cake at school. After school, there were Christmas concert. Jamie, Connor, and my host mother are in the orchestra, so my host father and I went to watch. They were really talented. In the evening, I had cake again with my host family. It made me so happy to have two different cakes in one day. I also received presents. I feel so lucky to be having so many new experiences in Australia and to be celebrated on my birthday as well.
 On Thursday, we went to the beach with school. It was a whole day a spent at the beach, playing various games with my friends. Even when I didn’t know how to play a game, my friends taught me and we had great time. Some people went into the sea, while others chatted and played games. Everyone was free to enjoy themselves, and it was a wonderful time.
 On Saturday night , I was taken to a concert. It was so much fun.
This week was particularly memorable for me. Although school has ended for the week, I still want to have a great time with my host family for the remaining days.