中学生の皆様へ 卒業生の皆様へ 在校生の皆様・


【BDC交換留学 ウィークリーレポート②】山田ゆあんさん

2023.12.04 国際教育
学校:Bishop Druitt College
This week was Special Week, and we didn’t have classes on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
We divided into six groups and played games and made costumes out of newspaper.
Three people from each group wore the costumes and presented them.
It was really fun because everyone got to design and make their costumes freely. When we played games, everyone was kind and taught each other how to play, which made me happy.
I got nervous a few times during the discussions when I was asked questions, but my friends  helped me, and I was able to answer.
On Friday, after the assembly, we went to the beach.
It was great because we ate pizza, played games, and got to know each other better. Even though I’ll have a new buddy starting next week, I’m excited to enjoy school life.
