中学生の皆様へ 卒業生の皆様へ 在校生の皆様・


【BDC交換留学 ウィークリーレポート⑩】成沢幸之助君

2023.08.02 国際教育
学校:Bishop Druitt College(オーストラリア)
今週から学校が始まり、小学生の日本語の授業でサポートをさせていただきました。授業の内容は七夕についてで、みんなで七夕について調べたり、七夕の物語の読み聞かせを聞いたりして日本の文化に触れる授業でした。僕も七夕について知らない事を学んだり、英語で七夕についたり説明したりしてとても勉強になりました。その後みんなで短冊に願い事を書きました(サッカー選手になりたい) (ピカチューになりたい)などユニークな願い事が多くありかわいらしかったです。学年によっては日本語を書くのが難しいので折り紙をしたり、歌を歌ったり、塗り絵をしたりとどの学年の授業も楽しく授業をしていました。
Last Wednesday, Riley’s relatives had a party. For dinner, Riley cooked a steak, and we all ate it. It was very delicious. The topic at dinner was what would Riley want to do if he went to Japan? We had a blast talking about it. Since I came to Australia, I have had the opportunity to try many things, I wanted to think about what we could do together so that Riley could experience things that can only be done in Japan. I was able to have a good time playing Uno with everyone again. School started this week, and I was able to support elementary school students in their Japanese classes. The content of the class was about Tanabata. We learned about it together by listening to stories which allowed everyone to experience Japanese culture. I also learned things I didn’t know about Tanabata and learned about it in English. After that, we all wrote our wishes on strips of paper (I want to be a soccer player) (I want to be a Pikachu) and many other unique wishes. Some grades find it difficult to write in Japanese, so we enjoyed doing origami, singing songs, coloring, and so on. Wattles are in full bloom in Australia. The wattle is a flower that symbolizes Australia, and the small yellow flowers are said to herald the arrival of spring. Wattles are the national plant of Australia, with more than 1000 species. One of them (the golden wattle) is the national flower of Australia, and the national colors of green and yellow are taken from the green of the golden wattle’s leaves and the golden yellow of its flowers, which shine like the sun. My father told me that it is also the uniform color of Australian athletes. I want to make the most of my life in Australia for the next two weeks.