中学生の皆様へ 卒業生の皆様へ 在校生の皆様・


【BDC交換留学 ウィークリーレポート⑩】橋詰和奏さん

2023.07.13 国際教育
学校:Bishop Druitt College(オーストラリア)


This week I started school holidays so my host family has taken me to various shops. In addition to this, I have been shopping by myself. It was the first time since I came here. Australian salespeople are friendly and they ask many questions when I enter their shops. I was confused when I first entered an Australian shop because it is different from the Japanese style, but I gradually got used to it. In every store the salespeople were kind so I was able to talk to many people. It made me glad and it was a good experience. I also realized that in order to communicate with people, it is important not to be afraid of failing. I felt that it is good culture and that they respect each other through the communication between customers and salespeople. Australia’s cost of living is higher than Japan but I was still able to enjoy shopping.
