中学生の皆様へ 卒業生の皆様へ 在校生の皆様・


【BDC交換留学 ウィークリーレポート④】成沢幸之助君

2023.06.16 国際教育
学校:Bishop Druitt College(オーストラリア)
This Sunday, I went hiking with my Australian friends. I heard it was a hike, so I imagined the trail would be flat since some paths are easy to walk along in Japan, but it was steeper than I thought and there were many big rocks, so I was scared to walk. The destination of the hike was the famous Scout Falls and I had a great time. There was a rainbow that day, and the scenery was spectacular. There is a deep basin under the waterfall, and I mustered up the courage to swim in it, but it was cold because it is winter time here. Also, we went right under where the water poured over our heads and we made the Japanese waterfall meditation pose.  I was able to spend a fulfilling time with my friends looking at the scenery from the top of the cliff. Out here surrounded in nature, the conversation was livelier than usual, and it was a lot of fun. I ate potato chips for a snack on the way home. I was surprised how the taste and texture were completely different from Japanese potato chips, but it was very delicious.
This week at school, I joined a Japanese class of elementary school students for the first time. All grades are friendly, and we learned Japanese through songs and games, and wrote reports on what they wanted to research on about Japanese culture. There was a lot of activity learning and I enjoyed taking part in this class with elementary school students.  Also, there were more people who knew about Japanese anime than I thought, and it was this day that made me realize that Japanese culture is spreading throughout Australia. I want to continue to challenge myself trying out various things here.