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【BDC交換留学 ウィークリーレポート⑥】橋詰和奏さん

2023.06.08 国際教育
学校:Bishop Druitt College(オーストラリア)
今週の土曜日にSurf St, Emerald Beachと呼ばれている場所にでかけました。行く途中にマーケットがあり寄りました。夕方でしたが多くの人がいて賑わっていました。海を題材にした作品やお酒などが並んでおり子どもも大人もみんな楽しそうでした。Look at me now headland and dammerals history walk というところに行き野生のカンガルーをたくさん見ました。丘みたいなところを登るととても近くでカンガルーの群れを見ることができました。海の近くなのに草木が生い茂り自然が豊かでとても綺麗な場所でした。また、カンガルーが海の近くに暮らしていることにとても驚きました。帰りにピザを買って海で食べました。オーストラリアの自然にとても癒されました。

On Sunday I went to surf st, emerald beach. We stopped by the market on the way. It was the afternoon but there were many people. There are a lot of kinds of stores in there and all  generation peoples I looks like having fun. I went to Look At Me Now Headland and Dammerals History Walk and I could see many wild kangaroos. This place is near the sea but there were many plants and tree so pretty nice view also was surprised because kangaroos live in there near the sea. We bought the pizza and ate the beach. I could refresh and enjoyed by the Australia nature.
On Sunday my host family celebrated my birth day. 18 years old is important year in Australia  because they are allowed drink and smoke also car drive on myself. I went to restaurants with my host family .

My host family gave me the present it was made me happy. And night celebrate me to use birthday cake after to eat cake I ate chocolate bar in Australia. I can spend really good time own to host family. I could to do good experiences to come to Australia and to spend nice days.
