中学生の皆様へ 卒業生の皆様へ 在校生の皆様・


【CCGS交換留学 ウィークリーレポート⑫】大井彩菜さん

2023.05.10 国際教育
学校:Central Coast Grammar School(オーストラリア)
I went to my friend 16th birthday party on Saturday. People can drive if they are 16 in Australia. I’m surprised that some students drive to school by themselves. when I went to school library after school a boy who was like 8 years old gave me a lollipop. I didn’t know him and I didn’t expect that. He made my day and made me smile. I want to be like him who can make people happy by doing something for them. People in Japan don’t really talk to strangers, I think Australian people are more friendly in comparison. And this will be my very last weekly report as an exchange student. Many things happened to me, all memories are my treasure. Everyone is nice to me and host families took me to many places to introduce Australia. I appreciate it. Things I learnt from this study abroad is that I should express my feelings more to others. I was shy and worried about what other people think. I didn’t show my feelings to other people but if I express myself and be more brave I won’t regret after. If I made mistakes, I can learn from it. I think my English is enhanced a lot through this study abroad. Even when I go back to japan I want to use English a lot, also I want to make use of this experience. I thought I couldn’t go on exchange, but I had a chance to go so I chose it. I’m so glad that I could go on. Thank you so much!!