中学生の皆様へ 卒業生の皆様へ 在校生の皆様・


【ECC club】 Takoyaki Party

2023.08.22 クラブ速報


Today, the ECC members enjoyed a Takoyaki party with the Australian exchange students, Leo and Riley. Everyone helped to prepare the ECC room. Some students cut the octopus and green onion into pieces. Other students mixed the egg and Takoyaki mix. It was the first time for Leo and Riley to make Takoyaki, so the ECC members needed to show them how to turn them over after they were cooked. Everyone had a good time eating and drinking. The ECC members could enjoy chatting with Leo and Riley about life in Australia, and things they want to do in Japan. Riley said, “The Takoyaki was difficult to make, but very tasty.”
