中学生の皆様へ 卒業生の皆様へ 在校生の皆様・


【BDC長期留学 ウィークリーレポート②】上原美桜さん

2024.02.20 国際教育
学校:Bishop Druitt College(オーストラリア)
It’s been a week since I started school. I’ve experienced 7 subjects so far. The open and interactive relationship between the teacher and the students was particularly impressive. Most of the classes were small, students were able to express themselves, ask questions, and actively participate in learning.
In the Industrial Technology class, I was happy that the teacher taught me the work process of making a mortise and tenon joint in an easy-to-understand manner. In the Italian class, it was very fresh to hear an explanation about a foreign language in a foreign language. During break time, it became my daily routine to chat with year 10 students in English. I’m looking forward to this time every day. In the Japanese class in year 10, the students introduce themselves in Japanese. I was inspired by the dedication the year 10 students made, which increased my motivation to learn English.
Last Saturday, the beach I visited with my host mother was a very beautiful place, and I felt calmer. The ice cream I ate as a snack was perfect for the heat in the afternoon. Last Sunday, I had fish and chips for lunch. I took a walk on the Urunga boardwalk and spent a relaxing time enjoying Australia’s nature. I’m very excited because I’m going to participate in new classes as of next week.