2024.09.02 国際教育レポート

【BDC交換留学 ウィークリーレポート④】菅裕之介さん

学校:Bishop Druitt College(オ―ストラリア)
I want you to tell the differences between our school to BDC. First, we can go home about one and half hours earlier than ours. This has an interesting reason. BDC has fewer breaks than ours. Uedanishi has ten minutes breaks between each class, but BDC doesn’t have that. Second, whenever, many students raise their hand or say “Excuse me, sir {Ms.}“ and ask about the class’ contents even while we’re watching a video. I think getting answers to our questions quickly is good for our study. Third, the students use their laptop for their study so, they can submit their assignments on it and they don’t have to bring lots of textbooks and notebooks. This can make us easily to prepare for classes. But students don’t have many opportunities to write on paper. I don’t know it’s good or not for our future.